ChuShi a surprised quickly pushed him unhappy way I have a cold

Mo Chengkun knew that Chu Yan was afraid of catching a cold and gave it to him. He smiled gently in the dark and said, I’m not afraid.
A deep kiss is like two people trapped in a swamp, and Chu Yan is all hot and unbearable, but it is nothing compared with Mo Chengkun.
Chuyan’s hand could feel his body burning like a fire through the thin cloth. Just then Mo Chengkun suddenly grabbed her hand and slowly went.
ChuYan a surprised Mo Chengkun
Well Mo Chengkun hummed a sexy and charming one, which made people can’t help but indulge. But Chu Yan knew that she couldn’t do it now. She gritted her teeth and said, You’re coming again.
How about a little Yan En? He said slightly in a tone that people can’t refuse.
Chu Yan resisted and was dragged away by him with a handful of obedience.
After the event, Mo Chengkun took a towel and wiped ChuYan’s hands, and then washed himself, so that the bed held ChuYan and slept contentedly.
Chuyan slept enough during the day, but some can’t sleep at the moment.
She thought of seeing Gui Fang during the day, and then she thought of the beginning.
At the beginning, she and Wen Fuxiao could be lucky all their lives, and now everything has changed, and there are new people laughing around each other.
What about now?
品茶  title=Mo Chengkun ChuYan suddenly opened his mouth in the dark.
Can answer that she is a long night and Mo Chengkun’s shallow breathing.
Mo Chengkun fell asleep. She couldn’t help glancing at the sleeping Mo Chengkun like a lovely child. She couldn’t help but raise her hand and outline his face.
I suddenly laughed after a while.
She whispered, No matter how far we can go, cherish the present. Then she gently kissed Mo Chengkun on the forehead, Good night Mo Chengkun.
In a short time, the deep breathing of the house will move with the moonlight coming in from the French window. The stars outside the window are very good, and the night city is still as bright as day.
There are too many flashy and heavy things in this world to make people think about the future, but what does it matter?
When you live, don’t you live far away and look forward to the future?
In the early morning, the sun is shallow and the bed is big. Two people hug each other tightly.
Chu Yan was stabbed, and her eyes hurt a little. When she opened her eyes slightly, it was soft and the sun became more handsome. Mo Chengkun stared at her with her head open and deep eyes, showing a full face of smile.
Seeing her slowly open her eyes, Mo Chengkun whispered Good morning, Xiaoyan and left a small kiss on Chu Yan’s forehead.
Chuyan slightly paused for a moment and then smiled and kissed Mo Chengkun Ba.
Good morning, Mr. Mo
Mo Chengkun fixed her eyes deep and bright, and they slept together for a while before getting up.
Jiang Ma prepared breakfast for two people. At dinner, Jiang Ma said that she would go back, but she would be back in a few days.
Mo Chengkun asked her what happened. Jiang Ma’s face was full of sorrow. The doctor said that the operation was almost the same, but my mother is old and her health is not good. It’s only been two days and her condition is a little low.
Looking at Jiang Ma hanging like ChuYan also some love dearly can’t help but look at MoChengKun.
Mo Chengkun’s eyes flashed slightly and a wave of his hand said, It’s okay for you to wait for your mother to come back when she is well.
Jiang Ma, if he and ChuYan don’t, they can live alone. He is happy in his heart.
It’s a little difficult for Jiang Ma to smell speech. ChuYan couldn’t help but persuade one or two sentences with a smile and Jiang Ma agreed.
After breakfast, the two set off for the company.
Lu Chuyan hem at Mo Chengkun.
Mo Chengkun raised his eyebrows. What’s the matter? Nose is not nose, eyes are not eyes.
ChuYan hum a Mo Chengkun don’t I don’t know what you have in mind.
Let Jiang Ma not come back so early. There may be a sincere desire, but Mo Chengkun is really eager.
Mo Chengkun said Oh when he heard it. Then tell me what I’m thinking.

Hall all laughed.

Wei … Dian Wei was silent for a moment and finally said again, I want to cool the bus once.
The laughter in the hall came to an abrupt end, and all eyes were once again on me.
No, I didn’t. I was active a few days ago, and I was injured by archery. I felt that my tendons were serious, so I agreed to his invitation to go outside.
He nodded and strode out of the hall door.
This … is condescending! Yang Xiu, who was young and valued manners, was very angry, but he didn’t dare to say so in front of Dian Wei.
I’m no match for him in terms of strength. I know it very well. But in terms of handtohand combat … I yi tooth and kicked my boots at the door of the hall and jumped from the halfman high stone steps.
This is my welcome ceremony for newcomers to show him the strength of the first handtohand combat in the late Han Dynasty!
I took off my fluttering gown and tightened my short jacket, which was set at a place ten feet away from Dian Wei.
The steps are full of onlookers. Jia Mugao shouted, Be merciful, brotherinlaw!
Dian Wei glared at him angrily and said, Dian Wei is roughskinned and cool, even though he is strong!
Then I’m welcome. I accepted his suggestion with a smile and rushed at him with my left foot.
In many martial arts novels by mistake, the person who starts first is always regarded as a loser, but I have to say … this is absolutely nonsense!
I didn’t punch Dian Wei in the chest or anywhere elsealthough I am overbearing, I have seen that Dian Wei’s hard qigong has reached its extreme, and I have the same effect. I don’t want to kill one thousand enemies and lose myself.
So I flashed in front of him and kicked his leg from behind.
桑拿会所Dian Wei immediately sank his left knee and knelt to the ground directly.
I immediately felt a slight numbness in my heel as if I had kicked a hard boulder.
Dian Wei jerked up and twisted his left hand with a whirring wind coming at me.
I can use this pedal to jump forward and avoid this palm, but at the last moment, I changed my tactics.
To win with one blow!
I rushed to meet his left arm with my hands.
As soon as the two sides touched, my feet lifted off the ground to take advantage of the situation, like leaves hanging from a windmill, and they rotated with him. Because I didn’t eat this palm hard, the impact on me was almost negligible
Then I continued to step on his ass and waist, and finally I put my hands around Dian Wei’s head and turned upside down in the middle!
Dian Wei, who was huge, couldn’t move for a moment, but he hit it with his hands in the air.
I have swung in front of him by turning over!
Turn over before failure, I spread myself and bend my knees to Dian Wei’s chest!
Dian Wei, like a sledgehammer, waved his arms around Teng Teng Teng and quit three steps in a row!
The blow hit me 70% hard, and my knees were as steel as iron. Even if he is really a stone, he can hit a big hole!
You are very good at hard qigong! I felt my legs paralyze, and I sincerely praised, Will you continue?
I’m not that fast, Dian Wei glared angrily. Dare to face me headon?
I smiled. Since you insist, I will do as you wish.
Refreshing! Dian Wei yelled at his arms and jumped at me when he shook his legs outward.
We are only ten feet apart, and he has come to my eyes in two steps.
I sank my waist and the horse twisted against his right fist and slammed his right fist out!
This time, I have done my best!
The true qi of Jiuyang rushes and surges like breaking through the dam and raging waves.
Sixfootinch Dian Wei is like a broken floating catkins in a strong wind. Listen to Bang, and his huge body is hit two feet away!
Onlookers don’t exclaim!
I turned to look at even Lu Bu with a surprised face.
Dian Wei struggled to get up from the ground. Come again! Taking his word, he looked up and spat out a mouthful of latosolic red blood. The whole body staggered and fell half kneeling and gasped.
I smiled. Did you?
He gasped and looked up slightly. Yes!
Be my escort. I helped him up.
Yes! He nodded heavily.
Of course, I added with a smile, I don’t want you to kill my people.
Master, how can I kill you when I hit Dian Wei with two strokes … He turned the bull’seye very nai.
I burst out laughing comfortably when I heard that he finally changed his name to me.
At this moment, I am sure that I am already the best handtohand combat expert in the world.
At the beginning of the 10th month of July

I quickly corrected Wei’s adult is right to be frivolous at a young age

But I really don’t think this position has any practical power. Isn’t that the head of the bodyguard of the Chinese emperor? I don’t get much credit on weekdays. Once something goes wrong, I’ll chop it all up.
Adults can be equipped with sixty personal guards, Weiji added, but he obviously knows the fact that adults can add a little unified reimbursement.
I looked at this sensible person with appreciation and suddenly remembered a question, You just said that Wei Wei should have 41 clerks, but … I pointed to the hall.
Weiji explained, Dong thieves and one party ravaged the officials and people, and the defects of officials were huge. Some officials abandoned their officials and returned to their hometowns to avoid disaster, so it was difficult to fill them in a hurry … In fact, officials and others were only conquered by Zhang Daren in the past two months …
I suddenly realized that Dong Zhuo’s old thief turned out to be so powerful that he almost cleaned the whole court.
But apart from running errands and doing odd jobs, I don’t feel that these four subjects and academic officials will be practical … Of course, I will never tell them unless I discourage them from running errands and doing odd jobs.
Sirs are chatting for a while and then ready to excused themselves.
Guard the chicken to wake up Adults’ Day should go to the official office to deal with things after sunrise
I can’t help shivering. What? Sunrise? Is that five o’clock?
From sunrise to time? I hurried to ask
Weiji patiently explained, Of course it was from sunrise to sunset.
Sunset … Does that mean five or seven? No lunch break?
He looked at me strangely. Of course … not since ancient times.
I growled in despair at the abhorrent international practice! I can’t even guarantee the minimum standard of three meals a day? It’s really a desperate middle school standardoh, no, middle school also gives lunch during lunch break, although the corresponding evening selfstudy will last until ten o’clock …
Adults belong to leave. They leaned down and lined up to leave.
I pulled a hair painfully.
It’s nothing. Why should I work in my class? !
No, I must fight feudalism.
It was not until the evening that Jia Xu returned to the office on time.
He sent a maid to answer. Jia Xu wanted the bus to make Wei Weicheng take the responsibility.
When I asked the reason, the maid answered truthfully, Wei Wei really doesn’t need extra staff.
This strengthened my determination to fight feudal thoughts.
The next day, I got up on time as usual, and then led Jia Mu Zhao Cheng to keep fit in the hospital for an hour. After that, I spent two quarters of an hour eating, rested for a quarter of an hour and went to the official office without delay.
I asked Zhao Cheng to select 60 soldiers with excellent quality to enjoy special government allowances. The guards followed me all the way to the government.
Most government officials call it Temple, such as crack hon Temple Weiwei Temple? I shake my head and have a feeling of being a monk.
When I woke up, I had to go to work on time. When Wei Ji saw me coming late, he turned a little blue.
I smiled kindly. I’ve decided that I don’t know what you mean, Lord Wei?
Wei Ji’s eyebrows were frowning. At this moment, he stretched out his wide sleeves and lifted his low head. It is imperative for Ji Xie’s adult to pull out his family.
Tell your officials that they will have an hour’s rest in the middle of the day after the office breakfast in the future. I officially reached the first order after that.
Note that breakfast is at 79: 00, 1113: 00, and 1517: 00.
Chapter 20 Four women sleeping together
Then I made a roster of the most important readers on my first day.
I finally saw those chicken characters with different shapes.
Wei Ji, Korea and Du Ji, Zhang …
I deeply regret that an average player of the Three Kingdoms, I don’t know what these four genera are. The value of rare talents is far less than that of Jia Xu and Xun You.
When I managed to remember the names of these thirty genera and their attractive faces, I decided to go home for Ben.
I’ll leave everything in the Boru Temple to you, I said to him with confidence. Is that all right?
Wei Ji confirmed that adults can rest assured, unless it is a special case, it will not bother adults.
I nodded with satisfaction and told him, Be sure to take a rest in strict accordance with my regulations.
His face is reluctant. It’s too early for the official to rest, and I’m afraid it will attract criticism from others. If we can postpone it for an hour …
Compared with his strong opposition, this is already a compromise. I can’t eat hot tofu in haste, and I can’t dampen the enthusiasm of officials who are eager to work overtime without pay and make more contributions to the motherland’s court, so I agreedI was free to work myself before.
Later, I arranged a system of sixty guards taking turns to be on duty.
The first day of my job at Jiuqing ended successfully.
I wandered around the main road of Dongcheng District with a black sabre on my waist and a horse chasing my life. Fortunately, I was at home studying Confucian classics or working diligently in a temple early at this time. I didn’t meet any officials.
I am pleased to see that many new houses in Luoyang city have risen rapidly and obviously with the naked eye, and I can realize that the population of Luoyang, the capital city, has gradually recovered
Compared with the old capital of Chang ‘an, there are only two cities, east and west, and Luoyang has a total of nine big cities. If it can be released at this time, it will be a spectacular and prosperous scene!
Walking slowly for more than a mile, on both sides of the street are the palaces of court officials. The scale of houses gradually decreases from west to east, and the arrangement density gradually increases, and then the houses of the general rich people go to the periphery.
The noisy market seems to make the chase have an impulse to avoid it. It stops and snores in place.
Then go home. I caressed it, and it turned white and left.
Lao Li, the porter, bowed his head at me when it ran into the main court.
I jumped on horseback and rushed to the hospital to pursue my life. I have developed the habit of not having to drag myself into the stable outside the hospital.
Room faint language.
Is it this girl Cai Yan again?
My heart is in a hurry, push the door and push it in.
Room four people are looking back.
Cai Yan, Jia Yu, Xiao Zhao, Shuang’er
桑拿You’re back, cried Xiao Zhao and Shuang’er in order, and the tense color suddenly disappeared.

Lu Fengxing suddenly felt a sharp pain in the lip corner, which was a woman’s sharp teeth biting.

The man laughed heartily. This is really true. The way of little woman and wildcat gave him the best proof. His woman, his baby, and his obsession were really in his arms!
In an instant, all the initiative was deprived by the man’s power, and the uvula was quickly eaten by the man’s powerful dragon tongue. It was entangled with each other and the body became more and more hot and twisted into a snake. The body clung to the chest that she had missed for a long time.
The clothes button has gone, and the man’s big hand is ironing with hot temperature. I feel that my whole person is floating in the clouds, and all kinds of stretches and happiness are eroding my body. Every nerve ending man’s hand keeps moving and feels that he is really crazy!
HusbandThe woman’s feminine and heady voice makes a wild call to the man’s ear.
Huh? God knows how much protection Lu Fengxing has at the moment. The whole body is like purgatory. Passion has given him real pain. He wants to have this woman crazily. He wants to give her the craziest love and possession. But in the end, all his desires still fall gently on the woman’s belly.
I miss you! Jiao coily grabbed the man’s hand and didn’t want him to stop like this.
I want to! The man’s hoarse voice is full of desires and longings.
HusbandI feel my palms burning and my cheeks red.
Wife, you are pregnant now. I can’t put you and your child in danger! Lu Fengxing feels really miserable at the moment, but it’s really torture to stop everything at such an ecstasy moment.
I love you! The following carefully stuck to the man’s chest, but his hand didn’t stop.
Wife, you will kill yourself like this! Lu Fengxing really felt that he was burning all over.
I won’t be responsible for it! The hands covered the man’s eyes, and the body wrapped around the man like a snake, licking every inch of the man’s skin as carefully and manually as he had done to her, with crazy speed.
Wife, you are getting better and better! The man’s lip angle evokes the radian, the big palm evokes the woman and kisses the woman’s lips. I don’t want you to work too hard!
But I want to make you happy! I’m confused, I have a popular outline in my eyes, and I’m obsessed
I am very happy to hold you like this! The man endured all the heat in his body and hugged the woman in his arms tightly. He really couldn’t bear to toss his little woman like this. It must be very hard to stay alone for so long and in the early pregnancy!
HusbandMiao called softly and went into the man’s arms. There are all the temperatures here to make her practical.
It’s good to have you! Smelling the woman’s long fragrance, Lu Fengxing feels that heaven is back.
That night, Miao and Lu Fengxing didn’t come out of the bedroom again. Wesley didn’t let Bout disturb them.
Does Mr. Wesley want me to be a doorkeeper in the living room? Bout began to be cynical.
Nothing. She said to wait for her here. I must keep my promise! Wesley still shows that the wind is light and the clouds are light. I just don’t know if Mr. Bout has such a good reputation.
I am a businessman and I will consider it if I want to give me a suitable profit! Bout’s words are straightforward
We are temperamental people, and we will not betray our faith if we can make us feel worthy! Wesley looked around the sofa. I think I’m going to ask for your sofa tonight, okay?
Of course good night! Bout got up and went back to his bedroom in a good mood.
Stir the bedroom slowly dizzy with deep tenderness. Men hug women tightly, and women quietly stick to men’s arms. It seems that the whole world is gone with them.
We’ll go back at dawn. I won’t let you be wronged again! Lu Fengxing caressed and rubbed women’s hair. He felt that he had taken on enough women.
Popular things are not as simple as you think! I hate to tell men these messy things, but the fact is that I have to face them.
Huh? Lu Fengxing frowned.
Miao sighed and told all the things that happened after arriving in South Africa, including saving Jill, pretending to be husband and wife with Wesley, including the chip in his brain.
Jill has been diagnosed as an AIDS patient, but I still want to take her back to China and make so many sacrifices. We should make her a home! Wesley really helped us this time, so you should also pack more information here. After all, he is more familiar with us. What do you think?
Lu Fengxing really has a feeling that his little woman has gone through such a rough time, even doing things like clothes show, and he’s still there to be a jerk to eat vinegar.
Baby, you sleep first, and I’ll wash my whole body! Lu Fengxing really felt that he needed to take a cold shower.
hmm! Miao nodded shyly, and the man’s reaction was always there, which was really uncomfortable.
There is no temperature in the cold water column in the sanitary room, and the man’s strong body is popular, and his body is full of stiff fists. He can’t wait to smash his head directly. Maybe this is the way to unload all the threats that women bear.
No wonder he suddenly has a headache. No wonder he always feels like there is another himself. No wonder he has inexplicable dreams every night. No wonder he feels tired when he wakes up. Lu Fengxing looks at himself in the mirror. Is his body still the same? Still the man who can love her and give her happiness?
Are you okay? After waiting outside for a long time, I didn’t see a man coming out. Some people didn’t trust to get dressed and came in.
I’ve thought about it, but I’m still going to take you back. No matter what happens, I have to let you go back! Lu Fengxing’s eyes are hot and firm, and he can’t let women have the slightest danger and the child who belongs to them
HusbandMiao gently encircled Lu Fengxing’s waist. We can meet and let me see a good one. It’s a blessing from God that you are still alive. I don’t want you to take risks. I don’t want to be tortured by that feeling of loss. Can you be white?
Miao put the man’s big palm on his belly. I have children with you. What is there to worry about? I want to stay with you. We have to work hard to get back to Yangyang as soon as possible, okay?
We’re leaving here now. I guess they’re all asleep now! Lu Fengxing still wants to try a woman who doesn’t believe that he can’t protect himself.
I’m worried that the chip in your brain will be angry! I can’t risk it. Think about the pain of men today, and their hearts are aching.
If we can go back, I can definitely solve this problem! Lu Fengxing believes in his perseverance.
hmm! Feeling the strength of a man’s palm and finally nodding his head, this man is her. God, she never doubted his ability.
Good you wait for me! Lu Fengxing quickly began to wipe his body and dress, but also the speed of fighting. A fiery force rose in his heart, and it was like eloping.
Wesley is still in the living room! When I came out of the bedroom, I saw the man sleeping on the sofa. Suddenly I felt guilty and didn’t know if I should wake up the man.
ShhLu Fengxing held hands tightly. He doesn’t know anything. It’s safest to go. He won’t have anything with the royal family as his backing!
hmm! Miao took another look at the man, but he still accepted Lu’s popular opinion. She had troubled the man in many places, and it was better not to involve him in such a risky escape.
Holding her breath, she followed Lu Fengxing and quickly left the Bout luxury suite.
Don’t be nervous, we don’t need to run! Lu Fengxing knows that the baby in Miao’s stomach is still in a fragile period. She doesn’t want a woman to move too much. She holds a woman’s hand tightly and two people stare at each other and walk into the ladder. It’s really kind of generosity.
桑拿会所The hotel directly asked them to call a taxi, and the beautiful scenery of Palm Island soon came into view.

Wang Lie ChunYuZhuang is straight up and awe should be.

It is a measure of heaven and man that your master values talent recruitment so much! Wang Lie hasn’t forgotten to kiss my ass in anger

After receiving these newly incorporated families, I had a short talk with Jia Xu and Wei Ji respectively, and called the core civil servants for a semipublic and semiprivate discussion in the evening.
First of all, congratulations on your great victory again! Jia Xu walked over to suggest.
The people in the hall don’t give a happy smile.
I am somewhat uncomfortable with the title Mr. Wen He, how do you … My fatherinlaw Jia Xu never called me master …
He waved at me and smiled indifferently.
So I stopped asking and said, Of course, the great victory of this war was attributed to me and your soldiers fighting hard at the front, but we also contributed to Luoyang, grain and grass, and ensuring the security of the rear!
These workers are not worthy of praise, said Cheng Yu with an ungrateful shrug.
It is also a merit for the staff to do a good job. I didn’t take his words to heart and waved to Wei Ji. Bo Ru will read your draft for everyone.
Nuo Wei Ji took out a roll of bamboo slips from the sleeve and glanced around and cleared his throat.
桑拿按摩Most people don’t know what I suddenly announced at this time, but the atmosphere suddenly became tense.
Civil and military officers and soldiers are dedicated to the lives of the three armed forces, so we won two wars to win Yuan Shao’s commendation for meritorious military service. After research and discussion, we intend to decide to promote those who have made meritorious service, such as … Wei Ji said slowly
Si Lizhi is engaged in Wang Lie’s presiding over the imperial examination and selecting talents, and he has made meritorious deeds to seal Andehou Qian …
Didn’t participate in the discussion before. Wang Lie obviously stayed.
Henan satrap Cheng Yu defends the soil and supervises the grain, and makes meritorious deeds to protect Hou Bai
Also didn’t participate in the discussion of Cheng Yu’s mouth. I just wanted to say something to refute it. I was forced back by my harsh eyes.
Division transferred to a captain Jia Xu assisted in planning the meritorious seal Xuanwei Hou Bai.
Liangzhou secretariat Pang Rouzhi civil affairs meritorious seal pro Hou five hundred
(Note that the names of the marquees are all taken according to the place names of their native places.)
Liangzhou is engaged in Zhao Qi’s assistance to Pang Rou Anmin, who has made contributions to seal Hou 300.
Soldiers and Cao Cao engaged in Korea and recruited young and strong people to make contributions to the title of Hou 300
Book Cao engaged in Wei Ji before and after the operation of the active seal Hou 300
Zhang Liao, Major General of Yanzhou Secretariat, Gao Shun and Huang Dong, the commander of Yanzhou, made meritorious deeds in retreating from the enemy and sealed the title of 300.
Hedong satrap Liangshan, Hedong satrap Li Dian, Major General Chu Yan, and Gan Ning’s Raiders Party made meritorious deeds and sealed Hou 300.
Major General Lu Bu, Yang Feng, Qin Zhen, and Tuoba Ye happenedly fought Yuan Jun, and recorded their merits and demerits, and awarded them three hundred titles.
Jingzhao satrap, Li Yuan, paid tribute to the people and sealed the marquis for 200 years.
JASON ZHANG, the satrap of Wei County, and Zhang Xiang of Zhao State merged to seal the marquis for two hundred.
Joining the army, Xun You, the staff officer, plotted meritorious deeds and sealed Hou Bai.
Lieutenant Huang Zhong’s reward for killing the enemy will be increased by ten Jin.
The rest of the active soldiers have their own rewards.
Master, this matter is inappropriate. Wang Lie first raised an objection. Master may not know that nonkings can’t give Hou … but don’t you know Bo Ru?
Wei Ji was about to explain that I smiled and waved. Mr. Yanfang, shall I be the king first?
King ….. Wang Lie hasn’t answered here, and Cheng Yu has shook his head. Let’s wait a minute, shall we? And sealing Hou doesn’t mean much to us now.
You also shouldn’t be too hasty in this matter, and it is easy to become a target. Xun You also disagreed.
One or three heavyweights all expressed their opposition, and I was still full of ambition to prepare a big reward. I suddenly hesitated
It’s a name whether it’s Wang or Gong. Han Ji gave me support. We must stick to this?
A few people don’t want your master to be king prematurely because they are worried about being a thorn in the side of everyone. The play gentleman socalled laughed. But who can resist me even if the situation is full of people all day?
I also smiled. I’m not Yuan Shu. I’m strong now. Even if Cao Cao, Sun Jian, Liu Biao, Liu Xie, etc. unite to attack me, I have the confidence to repel the situation one by one … Cao Cao has long been a rebel. Liu Biao tripped Liu Xie for three transgressions and five times. Sun Jian has been openly discriminated against by court officials for many years. Is Liu Association naive enough to expect them to twist into a rope to hit me? Moreover, even the historical Yuan Shu faced the allied forces of Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Lu Bu and Sun Ce from claiming the emperor to starving to death for two and a half years.
Give me two and a half years … I really feel that I can unify the sky.
Wen and bro, you didn’t talk from beginning to end … At Jia Xu around Cheng Yu.
Jia Xu hesitated for a moment and said slowly, It’s better to put aside the matter of being king, but it’s better to implement it after a little consideration.
I don’t want to be king now either. I mean to make everyone happy.
The envoy of Kuang Imperial Court will arrive in Luoyang tomorrow, he added. We might as well wait and see.
I slightly zheng forehead but something chug jump marten and Xun Yu?
12 grams of dead mother and father
Yue, do you want to see your grandpa again? Back in the backyard, I patted my daughter’s head and asked
Grandpa? Ma Yueer cocked his head and thought for a long time, clapping his hands and laughing, Grandpa Hu!
I rubbed myself as clean as ever, and it was really hard to correct my daughter’s hobby.
Is grandpa coming? Wenchi knew that our father asked delicately.

Barcelona’s frontcourt attacker Messi highfived Liverpool, but the situation turned sharply from the lead and was in danger of being reversed.

Qin Xiong watched Liverpool’s restricted area from a distance near the middle circle.
If this penalty can be saved, Qin Xiong will be a sharp sword in the counterattack because he is the fastest!
So he doesn’t have to go back to the restricted area to defend.
Besides, it’s a penalty, not an Italian ball!
Red Army fans in the stands of the new Wembley Stadium are praying for Barcelona to fly the penalty, while Barcelona fans are relaxed a lot. Now they are concentrating on Liverpool’s restricted area.
Messi walked to the penalty spot with his football in his arms. Everyone noticed that he put the ball at the penalty spot and then retreated. Messi looked calm and ran up after hearing the referee’s whistle.
He looked at Reina before he shot, and he looked a little uneasy when he saw Reina.
Can it be said that Reina has not made a decision whether to predict or wait for the football to be shot before saving?
He didn’t think it over
It all happened so fast.
Liverpool may not have responded to many players.
Who would have thought of this a few minutes ago from the lead to the equaliser and then the opponent got a penalty?
Messi’s penalty shot was extremely tricky. His left foot volleyed the ball into the right corner of the goal.
Reina’s save was slow. His body was still in the middle, and the football had already entered the goal.
After Messi scored a penalty kick, he looked a little out of control and ran to celebrate the road. It was even more exciting to drag his jersey!
This is the Champions League final!
It’s a king fight!
He scored a goal to help the team reverse the defending champion Liverpool! to be continued
桑拿  title=[The first volume of the sword has become a front before it is drawn. 1367 wishful thinking falls]
The new Wembley Stadium is full of joy, and the fans from Barcelona are ecstatic.
Messi’s penalty seemed to give all Barcelona people a shot in the arm!
Barcelona reversed Liverpool!
Messi resisted the pressure and sent the penalty to Liverpool goal! Reina didn’t seem determined when he saved the ball. Messi helped the team reverse it! After Liverpool’s game, the advantage of the Dream Bureau is swinging. Now the defending champion is behind. How will the next game develop?
Guardiola was very excited on the sidelines. With great ambition, he led his team to Europe again. The defending champion was eliminated by Liverpool in the last season. Today, he will pay back all the money in English territory!
Guardiola gestured to the team immediately after the team completed the reversal.
Now it’s Liverpool’s turn to panic. Barcelona can show their ability to control the game. Guardiola is definitely more confident in this respect!
Barcelona overthrew Liverpool’s rule!
What could be a bet victory?
Liverpool, on the other hand, is stubborn and unwilling. All the players are holding a fire in their hearts.
They are not depressed by being reversed because they are not desperate!
They can create a good attack opportunity, which is enough. The situation of the game gives them a sign and gives them a signal that they can defeat the Barcelona defense!
There’s still plenty at that time, so there’s no need to mess up.
Now it’s just another goal!
Coleman was calm on the sidelines.
The trend of the game may be under his control, but with Messi’s penalty shot into Liverpool’s goal, the situation he expected was completely different
Would it be better for Liverpool to slow down after taking the lead?
Maybe, maybe not.
I don’t have time and shouldn’t think about it now.
But he has two hands.
In fact, after the onsite attack strategy is formulated, the team will naturally formulate a strategy. What should the team do if the offsite attack fails and the backward situation appears?
This must be considered carefully before the game. This is the Champions League final, not a losing game, but also a retreat game!
Either win the championship or be no different from the tenth loser!
After Liverpool rescored, the Red Army will run more actively and aggressively, and every player will pay attention to Barcelona.
In the 32 nd minute of the game, Qin Xiong was surrounded by Barcelona on the left in front of the penalty area, and he went straight to the penalty area.
Raul obliquely inserted the ball behind Puyol and Puyol blocked his goal line as soon as he stopped the ball.
Raul dialed the ball to the outside, followed by a shot.
Moving coherently in one go, but the shooting angle is almost no football, which unexpectedly deviates from the post and rolls off the baseline.
Barcelona play that ikiaka tactics that they are good at in the middle and front court.
They rarely beat Mourinho to rebuild Real Madrid.
When they want to be ahead of Barcelona, they can comfortably play control tactics to kill the Red Army.
Will the red army this domineering beast trapped in a cage to move.
But they are wrong!
Liverpool have studied Barcelona in depth and have played against each other this season.
Although Barcelona’s striker strength is stronger than that of the season, the midfield control is almost the same in the season.
Raul Kuyt, Gerrard, Qin Xiong and Javier Mascherano made a frantic rush in the midfield, and Alonso was firmly behind the waist line for scheduling.
In the second half of the season, when the overall situation of defending the league was decided, Liverpool trainers focused on defense!
Especially for Barcelona, a controlled style of play!
The probability of Liverpool encountering Barcelona is very high!
There is no other reason why Barcelona and Liverpool are also super teams!
In this case, Barcelona’s selfcontrollable style of play has encountered Liverpool’s strategy of attacking and pressing for the encirclement.
Liverpool didn’t grab blindly, but two or three players formed a joint defense, and then two players went to predict the opponent’s ball line to force and intercept the ball target!
Liverpool’s defense makes Barcelona a bit messy in midfield!
In the 36th minute of the game, Harvey was forced by Raul Gerrard in midfield. He just gave the ball to Iniesta, who just touched the ball. Dirk Kuyt came from the side and he had a physical confrontation, which almost made Iniesta lose the ball. Iniesta was in a hurry to give the ball directly to the front line and retreat to Villa.
Alonso deliberately blocked villa in the running line and then Mascherano broke the ball!
Wow, Liverpool’s midfield rush put a lot of pressure on Barcelona, which made Barcelona a little unprepared. When they wanted to hurry, Liverpool’s crazy rush disrupted their rhythm!

The bomber responded that he would learn Q skills at the exhibition. Who would have thought that he would learn W’s calling skills, which made him suffer a lot?

Moreover, Lu Zhan has been circling around and has already puzzled him. Lu Zhan is already planning to give up this wave of attacks.
He returned his hand to fight back a Q bomb and went straight to the demon Ji in front of him. However, the second section of W displacement of the demon Ji Li returned to the initial position and just escaped his blow.
The firstclass bloodconsuming land exhibition is the injury. The bomber was close to a quarter of the blood, and the bomber thought about it or ate the blood bottle.
Demon Ji looked back at the line that was coming, without looking at it. The bomber concentrated on filling the soldiers behind the line.
Clearing the line is the weakest link of the demon Ji in the early stage, but the firstclass bomber is not much better than him. Both of them are wretched and developing behind the line.
Lu Zhan soon reached the second level, and once again he took the lead.
In the longterm training and growth, Lu Zhandan developed the habit of presuppression, and he also planned the second wave.
W in the past, Q came back again and again, and then continued to fill the soldiers as soon as he came back.
The bomber got two skills for nothing after this series of injuries.
Moreover, Lu Zhan’s W group attack hit the bomber and hit the other side’s line, which eased the pressure of clearing the line.
Continue to upgrade less than a minute later, Lu Zhan rose to level 3 and went to another set of attacks.
W, Q, E have one more skill than the last time. Three skills accurately hit each other. When the bomber reacts, the chain has been holding each other tightly.
Lu Zhan followed behind the bomber and waited for the second chain damage to trigger before returning to the battle line. This wave came, and the bomber left a quarter of his blood, but without skills, Lu Zhan could not kill the other side, and he did not pursue it.
This game is not the same as this one. The land show fisherman suddenly attacked and killed the target, and he was afraid that the bomber W would bomb himself. However, this game, the land show demon Ji completely used up her skill advantage and consumed the opponent’s blood, which made the bomber hard to prevent.
However, every time Lu Zhan made a move, it was his exsoldier. The bomber could make blood but could not make it. So the bomber ate the remaining blood twice in a short time and returned a little blood. But after a few seconds, he found that he could not even make up the soldiers.
Lu Zhan’s three skills will soon be ready, and when the bomber takes a step forward, Lu Zhan suddenly flashes one.
After the flash, he quickly hit a W, but the opponent showed that the professional player’s hand speed also retreated with a flash
Joke, this amount of blood will be killed directly by a set of bombs.
Although I can’t connect with the bomber, it’s absolutely not a loss to flash for the land exhibition, because he has displacement skills, but the bomber doesn’t
After this flash, the bomber bit his teeth and finally chose the back line, leaving Lu Zhan himself
Level 3 saw that playing so carefully, the other party smiled and played all the people at the same time, and the interface sent out such two words.
The audience can’t see clearly the player’s typing, but the other party can see it. This is his reply to the opponent’s provocation before the game. Just two words are equivalent to hitting the other party’s face.
Only the thirdlevel opponent was once again hit by Lu Zhan. Although it has not been killed alone, it is impossible to return to the city and wait for the line to call back.
Lu Zhan’s words tell the other party that Lu Zhan’s ups and downs are enough to blow up his opponent!
Chapter 419 Cooperate to kill
Chapter 419 Cooperate to kill
Due to the confusion of mind, Lu Zhan’s thinking is chaotic. Without the ability of accurate calculation, the sense of rhythm of the game is not good, but the personal technology has not been discounted, because personal technology is more responsive to Lu Zhan now and does not need too much thinking.
This wave of success suppressed the other side in the early stage, and when the bomber came home, the other side came to fight the blind monk. He came out of the grass and lifted his feet to Lu Zhan, so he easily escaped when he kicked Lu Zhan and twisted his body.
The blind monk felt at ease about Lu Zhan’s way to mend the line, while Lu Zhan comfortably pushed a wave of lines home.
Demon Ji has a strong snowballing ability, and the greater the grade gap, the greater the possibility of single killing. It is foreseeable that the bombers will have no chance to fight until the first six.
In this case, the road change method was adopted.
When Lu Zhan came to the line again, the bomber on the other side had gone to the road and went to the middle road alone.
Zhang Xi has caught the crocodile once, and it’s not easy to make up for it. The other side changed the dragon girl to the middle road to resist pressure and let the bomber develop in the middle road
There is no point in changing roads. Lu Zhan thought that this change really made the bomber develop, but at the same time it also made his demon girl develop faster.
夜网论坛The dragon lady must come if she wants to clear the soldiers, which is more like a living target than the bomber.
The enchantress WQE can’t put out her skills at the other party’s roots because of her silence. She is injured. Lu Zhan left the general attack in the reinforcements. When she saw the dragon lady coming to reinforce the soldiers, WQE immediately hit him.
In the early stage, the dragon girl was not very fleshy, and the damage was considerable. Once, the dragon girl learned her lesson and dared not be there.
In a short time, Lu Zhan will soon reach the sixth grade, while the dragon girl will have the fifth grade and be consumed with a lot of blood.
By the end of the sixyear land exhibition, he had stopped putting skills. He calculated three skills, such as D and level 6, and then he could hit a wave of explosions.
But at the sight of Lu Zhan’s arrival at Liulongnv, he was ready to retreat, but he was still late.
With one more big move, Lu Zhan has one more replicable skill. He moves forward with his staff, stretches out with his Q skill, hits the dragon girl’s body, and then promotes Q silence, followed by two steps. E skill and another silent opponent are taking effect with a short chain, and the dragon girl is fixed.
Pick up another general attack, and the dragon lady will press W again to return to the initial point.
Only the fivelevel dragon lady didn’t even respond to his whole set of tricks, and she died because she was silently flashed.
This is a game. After getting one blood, Lu Zhan directly walks from the front of several small soldiers on the line.
Halfway through, he saw the bomber retreat, and the head as big as the demon Ji moved on the map. It was impossible for the bomber not to see the professional players, and the other party chose to retract the tower at the first time.
But what about retracting the tower?
Lu Zhan went straight to the triangle grass and went around to the small grass on the left side of the stone man to hide there.
On the other side, the soldier crocodile pushed the soldier line and led a big wave of soldier line into the tower, so Lu Zhan and the soldier trapped the bomber in the tower
In the face of a wave of line bombs entering the tower, some people helped him clear the soldiers with QE two skills, but this level of Q skill damage is not enough to clear the line directly.

I woke him up. He shouted to me about the general in the city at noon today.

He’s another burp, full of alcohol. I didn’t see him at the gate when you shouted.
I shook my head naively. How much did you drink?
altar bar, but he can still remember master needs company?
I want to kick him when I lift my foot, but my center of gravity is unstable as soon as my foot leaves the ground. This wine is not particularly delicious, is it?
My master’s words have won my heart! Lu Ren’s nonsense: I’m the first alcoholic in western Liaoning who is not drunk in a thousand jars. I just want to go out and put some water. This, this, this is really humiliating!
A mere altar?
I asked again, Do you really think there is something wrong with this wine?
I can’t say no to the question. His thinking ability has obviously declined. It’s just that there are some heads … ah. He shouted, Don’t worry, Master, it’s definitely not poisonous!
How can you be sure?
Otherwise, I can talk to you? He turned over a supercilious look again after drinking, and laughed.
I’m also drunk and angry, and I finally kicked it out from my heart.
poof! Liu Ren unexpectedly turned over a roll flash in the past side head spit out half a drink nu way who dare to stop the old drink? !”
I kicked my body and staggered. I was just about to struggle, but I was held by someone behind me.
Be careful, Fujun. Lun Li helped me and then introduced, This is Bantou Wang Mengyu.
I lift my eyes to see a lean, withered middleaged man across the street, bent down with his chest in his chest and his face was full of laughter, and he didn’t dare to do more.
Wang Bantou decided in front of me, I think your class is good. It’s amazing to spit fire in your palm. Can you invite some masters to have a drink?
Wang Mengyu nodded repeatedly, Fu Jun has a life. Little people dare to refuse. Let them worship Fu Jun for a drink. He waved to the nearby teachers and rushed over with small steps.
Little people meet the Taishou adults! I personally met with the flameplaying masters and knelt on the ground directly.
I’m so drunk that I’m not even stable. Naturally, I have nothing to help them. A few masters don’t need such a gift to get up quickly.
Thank you! Six people patted their robes and got up. They were more constrained than Wang Mengyu, and they didn’t know where to put them.
I was just about to ask Wang Mengyu, a palmfirebreathing man, to gather together with the wine cup in his hands to forgive the villain for overstepping his respect for the satrap’s adult.
My ultimate goal is to learn stunts, so there is no reason to refuse this glass of wine.
Wang Mengyu’s face smiled more and more, and his hands slowly retracted and suddenly handed it over!
In the cold light flashing, six flames gushed out in no particular order!
12 The Avengers
夜生活Six flames sprayed at me from six directions, left and right, three feet before and after, and there was no half corner for a while!
This is a burning sensation in an instant, and it seems that the bun of clothes will burn at the touch of a button.
It’s a pity that they underestimate their opponents!
Even though I’m as drunk as a fiddler and my legs are weak!
Jiuyang siddhi encouraged vigorous qi to flourish, and it came from the gathering of meridians all over the body, struggling to jump, flying and leaping more than ten feet above the ground, just like wiping the flames and jumping out from the top of everyone’s head.
“!” Some people drink heavily
When I turned my head to look at it, the six fire dragons looked up and spewed out!
In the middle, I can’t avoid it, but I can’t step on my left foot, right foot, right foot and left foot again. I actually came up with an unprecedented response
pao! I puffed my chest, lifted my waist, and blew out the qi in my lungs in a few seconds!
With the help of the true qi of Jiuyang, this lung qi is unexpectedly strong, and the nearest two fire dragons are blocked by a lag, which seems to constitute a gas wall, and the flame is just rising.
A moment is enough.
I spit out all the polluted air, and I have fallen back to the ground. I will never give these people another chance. I will drink again and borrow Bowie to rush into the crowd with my bare hands.
The six flame masters, except for the firebreathing fist and fist kung fu, really faced me just fiercely, and the six of them barely moved and died in the west at the same time.
I breathed a sigh of relief and faced the last enemy.
Ma Taishou was as brave as he said. Wang Mengyu, armed with a short blade, laughed bitterly. He was planning to give up his life to assassinate me. I didn’t expect that my intellectual man fit kung fu had exceeded the limits of human beings, so he failed in sneak attack and was spewed into flames. His beard and hair were burned clean and his robe was half left
I was shocked by the great changes here. The guards drew their swords and got up. Half of them protected me and the other half surrounded the assassin.
To seek revenge? I took the sabre from the guard. Is it Gongsun Du?
At this moment, the overall situation is set, and I feel the coolness in my back.
Ma Chao, are you arrogant and loyal to the emperor? He suddenly folded angry way
Around the soldiers suddenly some commotion.
The back is cooler.
Although I am full of spirits, my thoughts are particularly clear at the moment. Do you still want to pretend to be a will when you are dying? I sneer at the two I went to Gongsun Du because I personally gave orders to Qiu Zhang Gong personally, and I personally expected that my words were still in my ears, and I galloped thousands of miles to kill thieves, to repay the court and stabilize the people, and to be domineering again? Gongsun Du’s satrap slaughtered more than 200 families, occupied Xuantu, Le Lang, and vassal countries, and shot and killed the army of western Liaoning satrap, which matched the right Peiping and invaded and plundered Qingzhou county. Is this behavior not exclusive? You never showed up again? !”
Wang Mengyu sighed but did not refute.
It’s admirable that you gave your life to assassinate me, but now you can’t kill me by yourself. I changed my tone. I don’t like killing people indiscriminately. If you …
I won’t say it, he interrupted me calmly. If I can’t kill you, I’ll die. He really turned the dagger and pulled it at his throat!
Whew a light ring, a blood arrow oblique shot out in half a blood fog.
The pseudonym Wang Mengyu’s squad leader was stunned, and a large piece of shocking red oozed from the neck.
It was a few heroes! I can’t help but shout
Aaron trembled and leaned back from behind. Does the government praise these assassins?
I glanced at him and explained that assassins are suspected to be qualified people, and if they fail, they will die.
Is your master all right? Liu Ren picked up the tomahawk and stood in front of me.
unscathed I smiled smugly.
He gave me a sweep and lifted my hair.
hair? I stretched out my hand and stroked my heart. I was slightly surprised that half of my hair was burned everywhere in my right hand. I still can’t escape … am I ugly now? The thought of half a piece of hair being burned suddenly dissipated my little pride.
They stared and enjoyed it for a long time before Aaron replied, It’s okay …
Actually, don’t have a taste. Liu Ren laughed.
I gritted my teeth and lifted my feet. You are itchy, aren’t you?
He jumped back in horror. Master, this hair really looks good. He was so drunk that he didn’t stabilize his legs and fell to the sky.
He immediately gave up a piece of land as soon as the guards around him fell.
Monitor Lu, have you drunk too much? The crowd burst into laughter.

I suddenly don’t have so much anger. On the one hand, the ancients did believe this. On the other hand, I’m not doing this, too.

Your mother has been dead for many years and your father has a halflife … whether you can live or not depends on you. The fog in his eyes evaporated in an instant.
You want me to give it all up? My voice is a little scary. Don’t make me laugh.
Then you are forcing me to die. His voice seemed to come from the clouds.
Then you go and die with Liu Xie. I got up from the bench with my hands on my knees and prepared to end this meaningless conversation
You! Cough! Cough! Marten suddenly coughed violently, and the bandage on his chest turned red in an instant.
I’ll let Zhang Ben show you. I sighed and walked towards the curtain.
I just opened the curtain and cut it headon with a sharp knife!
As you come into view … It’s Ma Dai’s angular face!
But while waiting for Germany to fight France …
Wish me a hat trick!
13 this day is a day.
Are you crazy? !”
I yelled at my body, but I hurried back and missed Ma Dai’s straight split.
Do it! Ma Dai folded and drank.
I feel my feet shake and the whole ground suddenly cracks from both sides!
Dozens of assassins lurking underground in advance almost jumped out at the same time in no particular order!
Lying in the trough! I didn’t have time to think about how long it would take to dig such a huge hole, when the girdle sword had broken out of its sheath.
The magical power of Jiuyang came into being, and the blade of Yueyue was buzzing.
The crescent moon is rushing! I drank one thousand one hundred percent at random, and with a wave of my hand, I cut Yue’s blade and condensed out a huge knife gas, which was forced out with a flat wave of my hand.
Suspected crescentshaped white knife gas directly killed seven assassins’ residual limb blood and dyed half a tent latosolic red.
Xiao Dai! I just dragged my knife to the end of the camp and gave my whole back to the assassins. Are you going to kill me?
Ma Dai stepped into the tent with a broadsword but bowed his head and avoided my eyes.
Don’t blame him. Marten came from the side with a hoarse voice. I ordered … to kill!
Although seven people have just been cut off, there are still at least 30 people in the account
But now that I’ve been centered, I don’t have much panic. Both Dian Wei and Ben Zhang can go into battle immediately outside the account, and Marten and I are talking nonsense in the account for half a day. More than a thousand accompanying soldiers should have finished crossing the river …
Master! Zhang Benyin’s sudden surge in water potential from outside the account has washed away most of his brothers! I can’t cross it!
My IQ can’t see that Marten’s pendulum is to cheat me, so this story can be ended before!
I don’t show mercy. Every one of them is full of anger. After five knives in the camp, 30 assassins are divided into more than 100 sections with almost no resistance.
The ground is full of convulsions and spurting blood, residual limbs and broken arms.
Ma Teng confessed his last words! I will chop the moon and shake the blade, but it is still as bright as snow without a trace of blood.
Dream! Ma Teng slapped Hu Chuang, picked up his sabre in his right hand and jumped behind the bed. Xiao Dai! He pulled out a sharp knife and broke out directly.
Ma Dai also jumped back out of the tent without hesitation.
Master! Zhang Benyin seems to be closer. Be careful with the crossbow!
I heard hundreds of revelations before my voice fell.
At this moment, the tent has become a sieve, and countless sharp arrows have shot into the tent from all directions!
While I was dancing with a knife to protect the key, I rushed at the exit with anger.
The protective qi gushes out like free money, which can keep the arrows shot at me out of the body.
I have achieved great feats in the nine yang, and my body has reached the invulnerability. But at the moment, my limbs and shoulders are dripping with blood and burning pain, which makes me realize this cruel reality. I am still far from it!
However, these hundreds of arrows were accidentally grazed, but none of them actually shot into my body. Although I was already covered in blood when I rushed out of the camp, it was just a little skin injury.
It’s my son! Marten shouted in the distance, Shoot him!
I grinned and gave birth to the wind, and I rushed straight at Marten for more than ten feet, but it was only a breath.
Marten’s face changed, and his sword in his hand hurriedly split at me.
I swept away to meet his weakness, chopped Yue obliquely, and shook Marten’s sabre out of hand.
Don’t move, Marten! Chop Yue draws an arc in half, turns into chop stroke and gently mortgages it on his shoulder.
Uncle! Ma Dai panicked and shouted at me not far away, only to see that he was struggling in Dian Wei’s arms …
Dian Wei, who is kind and natural, made him a post with one hand.
Fuck … Marten vomited a dirty word This is over
With Marten Ma Dai captured alive, I commanded the soldiers crossing the river to catch these bastards who tried to shoot me as a hedgehog, and then captured another mastermind in the crowd.
Wen Ruo, long time no see I greeted Liu Xie’s agreement.
Although Xun Yu was a little embarrassed, he didn’t panic too much. He nodded at me with a wry smile, Hello, Lianggong.
I’m not well at all. I showed him that my arms were still bleeding. Marten IQ killed him and never thought that he could divide my escort with the help of water. Must be your plan?
Yes, he nodded openly and admitted, Mi was the mastermind of this operation, but he still failed in the end.
Haha I patted his thin shoulder with a smile. Is this how you imperial envoys treat me? The imperial court has made several loyal and brave ministers?
Liang Gong, don’t tell such jokes. He looked down at his toes.
Wen Ruo, I still have some friendship with you. Tell me what? I asked seriously, I want to know what you think.
He looked up and his eyes were as clear as water. If the current situation can kill you, there is no heir to inherit your power, and the power you have just established in Sili, Liangzhou and Yanzhou, including the southern part of Jizhou, will quickly fall apart. There may be a chance of survival with the appeal of the Han Dynasty. His eyes seemed to flash with light. If you grasp it well, you may really be able to revive the Han Dynasty …
I thought about it and didn’t laugh at his delusion. Maybe killing me can really bring prosperity to the Han Dynasty, but … even if I can bring the Han Dynasty for more than 100 years like Guangxu Zhongxing, I don’t think this more than 100 years will bring anything good to the people of heaven.
This is not a fact of bragging about the atmosphere. Since Liu Xiu established the Eastern Han Dynasty, the whole Eastern Han Dynasty has never been worthy of people’s memory and praise for the highlight moment. The whole history of the Eastern Han Dynasty has to be devoted to consorts, eunuchs and old ladies … and then it will be finished together.
linger? Xun Yu’s eyes seem to be covered with a faint dark veil, which makes me unable to see his eyes clearly.
It’s not Liu’s day, it’s not a family name, it’s heaven and man’s day … I said heavily, trying to guess what he was thinking from his expression.
Heaven and man? Xun Yu smiled. Is this also a joke about Liang Gong?
Not a joke but a dream! I threw my name at the ground and said, I will do better than Liu Xie, Nai Liu Xiu and Liu Bang. I may be surnamed Ma this day, but I will never have a sound!
How to …? His smile is stiff.
I’ve already done something, such as recruiting younger brothers, recruiting students for imperial examinations, and reforming the military system. I also admit my shortcomings. But I’m shortsighted. Although there are many advisers to help me plan this, it still won’t be completed overnight, and … maybe I’ll be ruined because of it.
He couldn’t laugh anymore. Lianggong … really has the heart to make a change?
桑拿按摩If I don’t have the determination, I can revive Ma’s family and turn the sky into my home, but … I didn’t even let the county magistrate do it. I raised my eyebrows. A scholar who can not stick to one pattern and control the court affairs is more desirable than the former gentry …?

Suarez is still holding the back of his head.

Manchester United players are all around. Liverpool players are the closest to Steven Gerrard. Evra warned Manchester United, Stay away from us and leave everything to the referee!
What happened? Suarez suddenly fell to the ground with the back of his head after touching the ball!
Please! He is acting!
It doesn’t matter who is not acting? Barcelona? Real Madrid? Rooney dives a lot! The important thing is to make sure whether Evra has invaded Suarez! This is the most important thing!
two don’t make so much noise, let’s watch a slowmotion replay.
From another point of view, when Suarez touched the ball, Evra wanted to push him before. It was a little angry to push Evra’s expression on Suarez’s neck! He was made an irrational move by Suarez at halftime! To be continued.
[The first roll of sword has become a front before it is drawn. It needs to be calm]
The atmosphere in the Dream Theater at Old Trafford has become particularly tense. Everyone is paying attention to the referee and the referee on the sidelines, covering their mouths and communicating. It seems that Evra should be punished.
Ferguson went to the fourth official to protest, Coleman came, Ferguson broke out in a quarrel, and the referee ended the linesman exchange, went to Evra, took out a yellow card and then showed him a red card!
Instead of directly punishing him, he should be treated as a yellow card for a yellow card warning.
This is already generous.
Without escalating the incident.
Evra was sent off with a red card! He’ll turn two yellows into one red devil, and he’ll hit one less person when he gets here!
There was a huge hiss in the stands. Evra defended the referee for two sentences and was held by Manchester United teammates. He could walk towards the court with reluctance.
In other games, he looked at Suarez beside Qin Xiong, and Suarez shrugged at him, which seemed to be very good and somewhat proud.
This makes Evra more sure that Suarez was just acting. He succeeded!
Ferguson replaced Evra immediately after the game.
Welbeck was replaced by Park Jisung. Valencia went back to play rightback Rafael moved to the left and played leftback
Manchester United fell into a passive defensive position after playing one less man.
The English derby, which was not calm before the game, did not enter the rhythm of peace because Manchester United played one less man.
In fact, the two teams are more intense, it is difficult to create a threatening offensive, and more energy is devoted to fighting against the destruction of the fight.
In the seventh minute of the game, Giggs was laid down by Johnson, who got a yellow card.
Three minutes later, Javier Mascherano violently tackles Park Jisung in midfield. The referee got a yellow card and continued to warn Liverpool players.
When the game came to the 76 th minute, Qin Xiong was pulled by Valencia when he crossed the dribble from the right to the middle of the frontcourt, and Valencia was also warned by the referee
After the game, it went smoothly.
And in the last ten minutes of the game, the Red Devils and the Red Army each got another penalty!
Mascherano turned into a red square with two yellow cards for fouling Scholes.
Steven Gerrard shoots from outside the penalty area, and Evans deliberately blocks the football from flying to the goal by handball, and also gets a red card and is sent off.
The coaches of the two teams didn’t look good on the sidelines. The game was not the expected picture.
When did it get out of control?
Maybe the conflict broke out in the players’ channel before the game.
At the end of the game, the Red Devils Manchester United was defeated by Liverpool 21 at Old Trafford. This unusual game is full of controversy. Dramatic Liverpool was fined one man, Manchester United was fined two players, and the two teams got 13 yellow cards in total. What happened in the player channel before the game is also what we are curious about. For example, Manchester United lost the titlefighting battle at home.
Manchester United will be pulled by Liverpool and Manchester City to a certain extent, but it will not lose the chance to compete for the championship. However, it is not a good sign to be killed by Liverpool again this season.
After the game, the players of the two teams almost played a meat fight in the player tunnel. Fortunately, the security personnel of Old Trafford had the foresight to strengthen the preventive measures and try to separate the players of the two teams as much as possible. Otherwise, the English derby was really full of war from beginning to end!
At the press conference after the game, Coleman strongly criticized Manchester United.
We didn’t get the respect we deserved at Old Trafford. Manchester United players have been challenging us since before the game. Evra’s personal revenge against Suarez has been made public. We should accept this and Manchester United shouldn’t do it. It’s a dirty game for Manchester United. If they want to stop Liverpool from winning the championship in this way, come on. We’ll see if Manchester United can achieve it at the end of the season.
Being in Liverpool and Manchester United’s opposing position allows Coleman to say such a thing. The Red Army fans are in the same boat.
Ferguson attacked Liverpool in almost the same words after the game.
夜网论坛  title=After the game, the FA announced its involvement in the investigation.
The players will be called to a hearing, and Suarez’s remarks about Evra’s accusation of racial discrimination will be settled the next day.
Suarez is banned!
Liverpool officially sued but still changed the fact that Suarez was suspended.
The suspension of Suarez from Fleet Street is regarded as a heavy blow to the Red Army!
The Reds will lose a strong scorer.

Don’t treat the judges as fools. Besides, my assists are much better than yours. How can you average 16 points without my ball?

Then let’s make a bet?
What bet?
Ji Guo was ashamed to say with a smile, I washed dishes for a month in a row.
Ji Guoqiu also smiled Deal!
By the way, you won’t give me the ball today, will you?
I’m not as ashamed as you are, but you can’t run away, so you can’t blame me.
桑拿会所  title=The two were chatting at the scene, but Yao hesitated on the other side. The little giant wanted to go to the opposite side and say hello to the two Chinese twins, but he felt that he had taken the initiative to go there, which was a bit fall in price.
Ji Guoqiu finally remembered that there was a pure China star player on the other side of the story, so people couldn’t take the initiative to come to them. He immediately led Ji Guoqiu to the Rockets’ half court to find the little giant Yao to contact him.
Yao is actually here today. He wants the Basketball Association to test one or two brothers’ inclination to join the China men’s basketball team and explore the population trend.
Now it’s too easy to perform in the nba, which is not in the same class as the two brothers. Even in the first season, Yao was not as fierce as the two brothers. Even American fans with discriminatory psychology have to admit that the twin brothers will be stars in the future.
The Basketball Association is naturally not blind and regrets that it was forced to be big. At this time, it would have been impossible to sit still.
They have heard the wind that the Canadian Basketball Association has been contacting the two brothers to promise all kinds of benefits and want to bring the twins to the Canadian men’s basketball team. Maybe even the honey trap has come out there because they also have this plan.
Chinese basketball association’s lack of confidence at the moment is that he doesn’t know how much affection the two brothers can have for their motherland and hometown when they grew up in a Canadian orphanage. Another family has a peak in Canada, where Nash is a twotime mvp winner, while the China men’s basketball team has a peak. Yao is also on the same line, which conflicts with the position of the two men. If the two brothers join the China men’s basketball team, someone must drop one notch to play small forward. I wonder if the two will have a problem with this.
To be honest, Ji’s national humiliation really doesn’t have too many patriotic feelings. Instead, I think it’s better to play in Canada. There is Nash in the team. There is no lineman who doesn’t want to play with Nash. After the game, the attack ability of the two brothers can be increased by 30% to 40%. If Ji’s national humiliation returns to China, he will play small forward. Once he meets an opponent like lebron james, he can’t stand it.
However, the decision to make on this matter is super angry, green+spontaneous fifty cents, and the game of returning to China by the party discipline and national hatred has long been doomed.
Sure enough, Ji Guoqiu took the initiative to give a positive response when facing Yao’s temptation, and he was very interested in returning to China to participate in the China men’s basketball team
Yao was also very happy when he got the good news.
The little giant has been shouldering the China men’s basketball team alone for many years. No matter how strong he is, his shoulders will be crushed by a group of real ba teammates in China. If he can get the help of his twin brothers, it can be said that it is certain that the Olympic Games will be strong, and it is not impossible to look forward to a final.
The international basketball court is smaller and there are fewer matches. It is far more important to have a pair of good lines in the team than a good perimeter, especially the amazing line combination with excellent defense and athletic ability like the two brothers. It is a nightmare for perimeter players in fifa without a threesecond zone!
The race horse wants Yao to return to his own half with great joy.
The leaders watching the live broadcast in China are all happy to see Yao’s face beaming at the moment!
Today, it is rare for CCTV to broadcast the game live, and even the home team’s entrance ceremony has not been left behind. Master Reasonable and Master Sun were also ordered before the game. Today, they must hold a message to the two brothers.
The two masters have long been familiar with this work, and each fart can be said to be handy.
After listening to Master Sun, he said, The Staples Stadium can seat more than 19,000 people. Today, the Lakers are full … Oh, it’s not clippers fans. Today, the Rockets are against us. We are also very concerned about Chinese twins. This year, these two little guys just jumped in front of us and performed better than the big guys expected. It can be said that they are the best rookie and reasonable teachers this year. Do you think so?
Reasonable teacher ha ha a smile Yes, these two twins are amazing. We often say that highlow is what we often say. These two little guys show extraordinary player strength in highlow. I see that some fans regard them as China Gatt and Duncan. I agree that I have been watching Clippers games a lot recently … Bangbang … easily playing easybaske … iming … Spaing … energy …
Before watching the fans, it hurts to hear that Master Reasonable is showing English again!
This includes sitting next to Master Reasonable. Master Sun Ma didn’t understand a word at all. How can this be answered?
It doesn’t matter whether Master Sun takes it or not. It’s reasonable for the master to handle it himself. Listen to him and say, With Yao and Da Zhi, Tai Yi and the twin year Olympic Games, we will definitely make it to the semifinals.
The fans in front of the TV are all lying in the trough!
Let’s just hang it up, right? If you really send five lines to the field, you will be scared to death if you don’t hit your opponent!
Today, the Rockets sent starting point guard Alston, shooting guard Tracy McGrady, small forward shane battier, power forward luis scola and center Yao.
Jump ball Yao vs Ji guoqiu
According to the grapevine, Yao bounced 6 meters.
Well, this statement is really not credible. At this time, Yao will only jump about 3 meters and 6 meters, unless there is still a glimmer of possibility in the ba period.
The referee threw out the basketball and took off easily to beat the Yao Clippers. The fans immediately cheered them!
The reasonable master’s expression is exaggerated and exclaims, The jump ball of the twin brother is really high!
Ji Guoqiu’s team won the first attack on Yao’s defense. Ji Guoqiu found that this guy stopped at a high position and stopped going to the basket, which made the little giant very uncomfortable.
Yao’s biggest fear is that he has a fast and longrange shooting line. For example, the Okubuzel Utah Jazz has put together two lines that Yao Zui hates to become a rocket victim. It is not difficult to explain that now the twin brothers seem to be more difficult than the Jazz two lines. These two guys have better athletic ability and the range is not inferior to the Jazz two lines.
Ji Guoqiu led Yao to the free throw line and looked at the sudden dribbling breakthrough of the opponent’s basket.
Yao, a giant caught off guard, moved slowly. After striding, Ji Guo’s hatred has been quickly wiped away. He killed the line and scored two points with a light onehanded dunk.
Ji Guoqiu broke through Yao’s goal and knew what to do today. The offensive end tried to lead Yao out of the threesecond zone as much as possible, and then he could attack by himself and help his teammates cut into the basket to score.
Adelman’s frown is deep. One of the twin brothers is in the high position and the other is outside the threepoint line. Both of them are pulled out of the paint area. At this time, the test is that the perimeter player’s single defense ability must not be easily released.
But when I look at the sleepy McGrady, it seems that this guy hasn’t woken up yet, and then I associate it with Rocket No.1 eye defense this season. * * Adelman suddenly has a bad feeling.
Alston, the offensive end of the Rockets, pushed Yao down with the ball and became entangled with Ji Guoqiu.
Ji Guoqiu made Yao Zui hate the forward defense again today, so he didn’t have a chance to prevent him. No little giant can sit him to death with 315 pounds of body.
The Clippers’ starting point guard sent Black Parker Deng Liwei today to help Ji Guoqiu interfere with Alston’s ball, which can influence Yao’s catch to the maximum extent.
Ps Still Life is rarely recommended. I hope everyone can support a collection, recommendation and Sanjiang votes. The evaluation area has sent a Sanjiang voting link. Everyone can vote for this kind of ticket every day. It doesn’t cost money. I hope that students who like it can vote for Still Life every day this week.
Chapter ninety Office is not office
Black Parker is 193m tall, his arms are long and his hands are kept swinging. Alston is not a good long ball point guard, which completely gives Yao a basketball.
Alston’s difficulty in throwing the ball to the line is not in black Parker’s body. Alston still has a way to deal with a single black Parker. The most deadly thing is to defend Yao Jiguoqiu around the front. This guy’s wingspan is even more horrible and his bounce is outstanding. This is the real threat.
McGrady lazily received Alston’s ball. First, he raised the ball with one hand and played a handsome role, which attracted Clippers fans to hiss. Then he hooked his finger to signal Yao to come out to cover.
Yao pulled to the perimeter, and McGrady stood still. Now McGrady is not the Tracy who was 35 seconds and 13 minutes. This season, Rocket No.1 is the fastest retrogressive player candidate in the league. You can imagine how fast he skates.
McGrady himself felt that this was meaningless and honestly got rid of Percy with Yao’s cover.
Posey has been very defensive against Yao’s cover, but the tall and wide little giant is really the best pickandroll candidate in the league except O’ Neillthis time the cover quality is extremely high, which has blocked Posey’s follow.
Rocket one broke into the line with his eyes closed and went straight to the free throw line.
McGrady didn’t choose to go deep into the line to attack the basket more efficiently. Now his physical condition has been improved. He can end the attack efficiently in a crowd and choose the lowest error rate. Of course, there is nothing so cheap in this world, and the shooting percentage is also the lowest.
This goal is decisive. McGrady’s hit rate this year is a mess. The total hit rate is 4%, and the threepointer hit rate is directly less than 3%

Their eyes are tiny on the soft couch.

I suddenly feel that my footsteps have become light and my nasal cavity has become unobstructed at this moment.
Uh … But I still don’t know what to say and I’m stupefied by the screen.
Oneinch looked up and his bright eyes looked straight at me.
Chubby face suddenly started to laugh, and her mouth widened.
Grandma qi
I was shivering and almost collapsed to the ground.
Dad! She held out her little hand to me as if calling for a pet.
My hands and feet went limp and I immediately rolled and crawled together. Good girl, let dad hug me? I asked her mother for advice.
Cai Yan reached out and blocked me. Where can a man hold a child?
Jia Yu and The Story Of Diu Sim nodded in agreement.
Small moths, Xiao Zhao dare not say.
I glared at the opposition trio.
Dad! The youngest daughter issued a third call, and she raised her two small hands, and her whole body was already falling at any time.
I immediately put her in my arms.
She finally folded her hands and hugged my neck tightly.
My daughter smiled at each other.
Cai Yan muttered, Even Niang can’t scream …
I can see that she is jealous.
25 Daughter
Come to Xiaoyue Yue … Cai Yan tried to take her daughter away from me.
I am very unhappy to hold her hand. Don’t call our daughter Xiaoyue …
What? She was puzzled.
It’s too unlucky … I kept it a secret.
She asked, What’s that called?
… it can’t be called Xiaoyue Yue anyway! Why didn’t I think of that at that time? It’s so sad that children have nicknames!
Xiao Yue is crawling around my chest, although I don’t understand what fun it is.
Come and give me a hug? The Story Of Diu Sim held out his slender fingers toward Xiao Yue.
Xiao he ignored her and hugged me tightly.
What’s so good about your dad? Cai Yan complained again
夜生活It is said that my daughter is a daddy’s intimate little cottonpadded jacket. The ancients did not deceive me. I happily touched my daughter’s little head and tampered with the saying.
It’s just these two or three days … Cai Yan continued to comfort herself and put the blame on me. It’s all your fault that you haven’t seen Xiao Yue for a whole month …
This crime … I admit it.
By the way, I patted my daughter little ass, and she looked up at me doubtfully. I smiled and said, Does a good daughter call her two dads make your mother jealous?
Ma Yue son wide mouth dad! Hey!
I was so happy in my heart that I didn’t say anything. I’ll give you my father’s property!
Her face was blank, and a pool of shallow saliva dripped from her mouth.
Xiao Zhao quickly picked up the cotton cloth and gently wiped it off for her.
Wenchi couldn’t help low Chen way what … this child will call dad? I groaned a few days ago. How can I talk as soon as I see you today? She probably wants to have a big head …
Good daughter, I turned to her. Why don’t you ask mom to try? See how pathetic your mother’s heartbreak is …
He casually stretched out his hand and put it in his mouth, but he could send out the word sister
Cai Yan’s broken thinking has gone to extremes. This child will call dad to a man, right? It must be like this!
really? The hall door was pushed.
Good niece, call one for uncle? Xiao Dai pulled Jia Mu into the hall.
… I have a question mark in my heart. Should it be true? Once upon a time, when the big sister’s children next door just learned to speak, they did meet men who called them Dad and Grandpa …
Small Adai you tap, tap line not line? !” Cai Yan couldn’t wait to chop off Xiao Dai with a knife and reach out to her daughter’s hands.
Sisterinlaw, what are you nervous about! Xiao Dai couldn’t help muttering, I haven’t touched her at all! Come and call an uncle? He probably knew he had given up, picked up his son and planned to tease her with his forefinger.
Wood also stretched out a finger to join tease him son team call me what? ….. or call dad.
Wood! I haven’t kicked him yet. Jia Yu has reprimanded Naidi instead of me. No big or small!
Ma Yue son ha ha smiled and looked at them and raised their soft hands. Two faces in front of them each received a slap.
After Xiao Dai’s reflective first backhand, Ma Yueer turned her target to another person.
Small sample … dare to hit me! Jia Mu swallowed Yue’s hand.
Be careful, be careful! Cai Yan was in a hurry.
He got up all his strength and broke free from the mouth of the monster in front of him. He was so angry that he burst into tears.
Cai Yan seems to want to unload Jamuba directly. You let go, let go!
Even Jia Yu ran to help break his brother’s mouth.
Jia Mu quickly loosened his teeth.
Ma Yueer slapped him angrily and climbed back to my side contentedly.

Don’t live up to this simple name? Or am I complicated?

Although my younger sister understands my feelings of crossing the time, she should still say, Handmaiden and Xiao Zhao will serve the young master wholeheartedly.
My hand felt my little shoulder slowly falling and my forehead gently touching the ground. The dark long hair hung from both sides and covered her pink and delicate face.
I can’t see whether her face is happy, sad or faint. I think she sounds calm and there is loneliness and melancholy in her tone.
Don’t want to? My heart suddenly jumped before my interest suddenly sank to a low ebb. It was YY rebirth. I saw too much. Poor young people, like me, not only showed off my ancestors’ family background, but also became famous as a genius. It’s hateful! I hate why I can’t let the tiger body shake and exude arrogance, so that the Central Plains can run around the streets, and all the good ministers will squeeze into Guzangcheng to kneel down and declare their loyalty; I hate why I can’t have everything in my daughter’s hometown.
My wealth, temperament and charm can’t even try to win over a little maid with a little background and knowledge? The first time you hook up with a chick, you make her reluctant? The real MD failed home!
I have a bad taste in my mouth. Take it back and put it on her shoulder. The left hand is repositioned. It’s a little warm to lie down and put a towel on my ass.
Master, you … you haven’t given a name to a slave or handmaiden yet. My little sister knelt down and listened to me and encouraged my sister. At this time, I looked as if I had abandoned myself, and I hesitated and summoned up the courage to speak out.
There are only two names. What else can you call your sister who robbed Xiao Zhao? I suddenly call forth again say with smile
Shuang’er?’ My little girl bent her head and bowed down. After Shuang’er, she will serve the young master as wholeheartedly as her sister!
Don’t kneel on the ground after getting up. It’s not good for your knees. I waved my hand to let the two girls get up.
By the way, how old are you? Are you ten years old? Seeing that I couldn’t conquer the barrier of Xiao Zhao for the time being, I turned to Shuang’er intimately.
Shuang’er may not be used to my cordial greetings, but it is more likely that she is too shy and her white face is covered with a little red gauze, but she still replied softly, My sister is Guanghe. On February 14th of the first year (17th year), Shuang’er was Guange, and she was born on the seventh day of July in the second year. She pouted her lips slightly, as if to express a little dissatisfaction with me, blaming my poor eyes and even asking people if my little girl is ten years old. Isn’t this not because she is turning around and cursing people for her slow development?
Don’t say that this girl is developing slowly … but a pink face with delicate facial features. At the moment, there are quite a few girls who are angry, which really makes my heart itch!
But this chick is too young and tender to call me uncle in a previous life, and I won’t even think about it
Besides, of course, it is impossible for me, a small common people, to be so anxious about this girl in front of me. If I am not too rubbish, I should not be dumped by other people RUSH in a short time. Are these two sisters too late to fall into my mouth?
It’s Shuang’er, and the little girl is too afraid of life. Then I’ll take the initiative. Of course, I can’t be too gradual to achieve longterm stability
So I decided to make it the lowest level to win people’s hearts.
But it is also the most common and most controlled technique.
spa会所  title=lick sb’s shoes
Chapter 26 Daily life
Although flattery is not for you, it is necessary to impress women.
Sweet talk jade jewelry has always been a favorite of women.
Of course, the latter needs to be broken bigger.
I am a thrifty person, so I adopted the former first.
So I smiled slightly. Are you almost ten years old? Hehe, I was really deluding myself, but it’s really touching that Xiao Shuang Er pursed her mouth, which makes people like it very much.
What a plain Chinese language!
Although my words are not as faint as loud, my expression is very sincere and my smile is very natural.
I don’t need fake
Do you like it? Xiao Shuanger was probably not praised by people in such sincere words before she was young. Her face was full of faint blush, and she was obviously very happy. A pair of small hands kept rolling the corner of her little shirt and wriggling.
Shuang’er, why don’t you … thank you for your praise? What is a little experience sister see sister at a loss Xiao Zhao quickly speak wake up way
Ah? Xiao Shuang’ er seems to be a surprised and faltering. I haven’t interrupted her mouth yet.
Don’t’ ah’. Although we have the name of master and servant, don’t be so identified. It’s too hierarchical to make people feel uncomfortable. I said seriously
hierarchical points? Xiao Zhao is very strange about my disorderly words.
Er, that is to say, don’t pay too much attention to the etiquette rules of the master and servant, and even praise each other. You have to salute and thank them. I explained, Xiao Zhao, don’t bring those complicated rules you learned in the Bianfu to my room, master. I’m tired of it. I seriously targeted the struggle reform at Xiao Zhao.
Xiao Zhao show is some fear handmaiden damn handmaiden don’t know master … His legs looked at is a soft.
I quickly reached into her elbow and held her gently. Yes, that’s it.
Xiao Zhao steadied himself and gently freed himself from my arms. He looked at me doubtfully. So?
You always kneel down and say,’ Damn handmaiden, I know wrong handmaiden is guilty’. Are you really so heinous? I smiled slightly
Handmaiden … Xiao Zhao face a slight red.
You don’t always say’ handmaiden’ to me, and so does Shuang’er. How cute a little girl is scared by your sister. I stretched out my hand and touched Shuang’er’s hair. The little girl’s face was still reddish, but it was probably because I had a lot of kung fu. She finally didn’t break free with a slight quiver.
I smiled with satisfaction.
Is it a rule or a necessity for the handmaiden to thank Master Kuan … Xiao Zhao is a welleducated servant girl and she is also serious.
Also call themselves handmaiden handmaiden? Don’t give me a face? !” I slapped the bed and shouted at me.
Xiao Zhao tiny one zheng.
Then I have to continue to criticize you. The struggle is also directed at her. Gong is actually a very kind person who doesn’t like to be too verbose about rules and etiquette. On weekdays, you should put some hands and feet in front of me. Don’t always be timid when you do things. It seems to make me feel as if you have just …
I was just about to say, Just make this your home and do whatever you want, but then I thought, no, if she really makes my home her home, how can my lofty family status be reflected? No, I can’t talk too much, but I want to establish a considerate and good image first. What should I do?
I had to stop thinking when I was thinking ambitiously
Xiao Zhao cried because …
Wang Wang’s eyes are covered with a layer of blurred water mist, and the sky is shining faintly. No, it’s not about to drip. The snowwhite cheeks have slowly shed two lines of clear tears.
Sister, sister? Xiao Shuang Er first panicked and put her arms around her closest and favorite sister, but she didn’t know what caused her to burst into tears.
eh? I can choose to be speechless. Was what I just said touching? Not so great, is it? I told you she didn’t have a day after today …
Shit! I suddenly flashed this big character in my mind. The old ghost has been hanging around for more than a year. Isn’t it just that their sisters are hiding and living in fear all day? ! Why didn’t I speak through my head!

I’m kidding. There are nine battalions, Taishi Ci, Zhang Liao, Seibel, Chuyan, Yang Feng and Gan Ning. If you two brothers run first, I’ll be the only one left when I personally expedition!

What is this called a personal expedition? !
Wang Lie asked with a little concern whether this meant canceling the upcoming scientific research conference on the first day of September. I hesitated for a moment and said that it could not be cancelled, but it should be carried out more and more vigorously, and they should launch the first scientific research conference of great scholars and poor scholars as much as possible.
Yes, I also reapproved their plan.
The scientific research is divided into two subjects: the civil and military examination schedule is three days, and the first day of the liberal arts (including the written examination of martial arts) lasts for two hours; On the second day, the martial arts test project lasted six hours; On the third day, I interviewed the project for two hours.
Because this is the first preparation, although there are two months, there is no provision in advance to set up registration procedures in various counties to determine the reference number … I personally guess that it will be successful to have 100 people … I don’t expect tens of thousands of schools to crowd out the business dormitory.
After the written test, it will be sealed and sent to the jury.
The jury is set up as follows
Chairman Wang Lie
Vicechairmen Cheng Yu, Jia Xu and Qiao HuanXun You were temporarily deleted because they wanted to go out with me.
Members Wei Ji, Su Li, Yang Xiu, Shi Sunfan, Chun Yuzhuang and Han Sheng.
Considering the actual situation, I especially included my daughterinlaw, literary young women Cai Yan and Jia Yu.
Each answer sheet should be graded by three people respectively, and then ranked. If you have any special ideas, leave the last question to me alone.
However, the martial arts examination can only be carried out after the written test results come out. Relatively speaking, it is much simpler. Now I suggest that it be carried out in three projects.
The first weightbearing obstacle crosscountry running
Each person carries 50 kilograms of heavy objects and walks five miles in half an hour. According to the ranking points.
The second javelin throw
After recording the competition in Taishi Ci in Liaodong, we summed up our experience and formally listed javelin throwing as a competition subject, and also scored points according to ranking.
The third unarmed combat
As the name implies, it is a twoperson contest to decide the outcome.
Wu Ke’s jury is still Chairman Wang Lie’s vice chairman, and Lu Bu, who is recovering from his illness, will bear the burdenI believe that Lu Bu’s eyes should not be able to choose a few crooked melons and cracked dates for me.
Members include Han Ji, Su Li, Huang Fugu and Cheng Wu.
After the results of the civil and military subjects come out, the interview will be conducted in a unified waythat is, the socalled palace examination will not be ranked last unless the examiners randomly ask some questions about current politics or history to see the candidates’ onthespot reaction and tolerance.
In this session, I added a special judge, white hair.
With such a golden finger, I have more confidence in the gold content of this exam.

Dian Wei returned to Luoyang on time during my preparation.
He claimed that his parents died and his brother wandered alone in the rivers and lakes since childhood, killing and setting fires were commonplace, and he had done many things to eliminate disasters by taking money and people.
This time he brought forty strong young men, all of whom are said to be his younger brothers.
Xun You and others are not frowningexcept for Cheng Yu, who had a strong criminal record.
I saw the white hair and my brow wrinkled. Maybe he had a bad evaluation, so he decided not to take Dian Wei with him in the battle against Yuan Shaojian. After all, it takes a while for his forty people to organize discipline and integrate into the military camp. I can’t let them wave my energy at this time.
So Dian Wei also became a member of the judges in the martial arts test.

How time flies! Ying Shao and others supported Lu in Zhang Liao and successfully repelled the enemy. Huang Dong led the troops to follow up. By the way, he took possession of Shanyang, Dongping and Lu in one fell swoop and stole chickens and costly. Zheng Sui, the country of Mi Cheng, was able to disband his troops on the spot and disappeared.
At this time, I was ready to leave for the north and call them again. These thousands of people seemed to be unable to catch up, so I sent fast horses to give them the latest instructions.
Zhang Liao Yanzhou secretariat Gao Shun, Huang Dong assisted the military collection of the prefectures and counties, so the city of Yanzhou county has temporarily set up the chief county officials and waited for the opportunity to cooperate with my main force to attack Yuan Shao in North Jizhou.
Just before I was about to leave, a message came from the south.
Han Si Xun Shuang and Situ Huang Wan died almost at the same time.
I sat silently for a moment and then turned over and rode across the river.
Rolling the Yangtze River to the east, the water and waves wash away heroes.
3 Make a comeback Yuan Chu
桑拿论坛On March 23, I crossed the river and entered the river boundary.
Together with our troops, there are a total of 17,000 cavalry, a battalion of 6,000 people, Qin Zhen and Tuoba Ye, each with 4,000 people. Lu Lingqi went to 3,000 people on behalf of his father. Lu Bu, these 3,000 cavalry have been recruited by our tenth battalion, and the recruitment has ended. I was about to select several brigade commanders when I was in martial arts.
Twentyfive armies arrived in Huai County, Hejun Zhisuo.
Mancheng is not here again? I came forward to meet Jun Cheng Sima Lang’s inquiry.
General Li Shougan has already invaded the Party and County five days ago.
I smiled slightly and immediately laughed. Moving should soon be Ganxing’s hegemony. I’m afraid Li Dian’s character will choose to hold the city first.
This is not Sima Lang shook his head. Hedong River was originally interested in the generals of the party soldiers, and it has been planned for a long time. After Liang Gong ordered it, several generals did not hesitate to send troops …
oh? Xu Huang and Yan Yan also participated?
How many soldiers and horses have been dispatched?
Nine thousand cavalry and four thousand foot soldiers
I was relieved that the entire Bing army was only 40,000 to 50,000 troops. Although the party is a big county, it can’t exceed 10,000. And … The party’s satrap, Xia Houdun … To be honest, I think Xu Huang’s military capability is absolutely overwhelming …
Two days later, when the army came to the border of Wei Jun, the news of the party and county victory came from the south trotters.
Chu Yan, Gan Ning, Xu Huang, and Li Dian broke the party county, and the Great Wall Party’s satrap Xia Houdun retreated to the pot.
Gan Ning Qingqi pursued Xia Houdun’s broken army and fled north for nearly five miles overnight.
In another day, the army will be Yecheng.
Dongjun also came to receive the report that Taishi Ci successively recovered five counties in the north of Dongjun.

Nothing, I waved. Since you said he didn’t join the army, I won’t force him to come to see me alone in the afternoon. After all, it’s one of our own. I think it’s necessary to talk face to face.

Cheng Wu nodded with relief know
品茶I patted his generous shoulder. Bring me a good soldier.
His eyes became unshakable in an instant. Don’t worry, master!
I smiled happily.

Today … will it be quite long? Wenchi looked at my face and asked tentatively.
Well, I picked Xiao Yue up with a smile and replied, I’ve been killing dog thieves all day, and of course I have to study a countermeasure.
Ah? She was surprised and several other sisters leaned in eagerly.
I have been with Lombardi, Cao Caocheng, the three thieves, and there are more than thirty two thousand stone officials in Shandong Prefecture, who jointly announced that they would crusade against us. We have never killed a big fellow soldier from arise to occupy Luoyang, but we are treated like two bastards in Hebei Province. Do you think I am miserable? !” I complained while teasing my daughter.
Xiao He’s pouting and struggling in the middle seems to want to get rid of my hands.
That’s not … a crusade against Dong Zhuo again? The Story Of Diu Sim said gently.
Oh, that’s really a bit like Jia Yu also nodded.
In those days, I called on the rebel army to crusade against Dong Zhuo, but now I am Dong Zhuo! I laughed heartlessly.
Cai Yan crossed me. You are the same!
I suddenly shut up.
Ma Yue waved his little hand and shouted, I want to ride a big horse!
Who gives this child a bad habit! I scolded angrily and lay down.
My daughter is very flexible, and she rides well, three by five, divided by two.
So … I got up on the carpet in sturm und drang.
Er brotherinlaw? Sitting on sentry duty at the door, Jia Mu poked his head in.
I immediately waved to him, Come here!
why? He came in cautiously.
Be a big horse for your son! I threw him to the ground and put my daughter directly on his back.
I just wanted to report to you. Jia Mu did not forget to report to me at the construction site while warming up. That brother in your hometown wants to see you!
Oh, Shuang’er, please go and let Ma Jun come in. I started to evaporate the sweat caused by intense exercise. Little moths, I’ll see him here if you pour some water.
Oh Shuang’er sipped his mouth and walked towards the door.
Can I get up, brotherinlaw? Jia Mu looked up and asked me, I want to protect you.
Where come so much nonsense! I stared at him. Crawl well and you will be my uncle in half a year, and then you will have to learn to crawl like a dog! Isn’t it, Feather?
Jia Yu chuckled and chuckled.
It’s a farewell visit to the master! Ma Jun’s quick approach to the head is a bow.
You and I are both brothers. We don’t need these manners in private. Sit down. I pointed opposite.
Yes, he sat carefully with his robe on.
How have you been in the army these two months?
He scratched his head and replied, Little brother … is not used to it.
Well, I took the tea bowl from Xiao E and handed it to him. I thought about it. Your small body is not suitable for charging and fighting. Why don’t you just do some clerical work?
Ma Jun hurriedly handed over all listen to elder brother’s arrangement
You must have studied in your hometown? I casually asked, What do you see more and specialize in?
He bowed his head and replied, I dare not say that I have dabbled in all the classics and history.
In fact, the answer I want to hear most is I just learned to develop bombs or I learned to build planes in batches by myself, brother!
So, I thought again, Mr. Jia just picked up a captain from Sili, and all kinds of things are complicated and he is short of hands. Why don’t you go to him to do things? Learn first and then do it, okay?
Thank you, Brother Xie! He folded his hands and gave me another one.
17 can’t bear to look at the array
On the afternoon of May 13th.
Wang Lie put the draft on my desk.
The old gentleman’s handwriting is unique, neat and generous, like carving without losing strength. Although it is a draft, the text has not been altered by a word, and three pieces of toilet paper have not seen a drop of ink.
Every time I see these uncles, I can’t help feeling, what do you mean, these people write words that are so much better than me? ! What, after 40 years of writing, I’m still crawling like a dog? !
Although I didn’t fully understand Mr. Yanfang’s article, I feel that the meaning is fully expressed after reading it. Why don’t you two take a look? I’m not qualified to pretend to be a literate person in front of a master who knows everything. There are at least three characters and five allusions. I’ve never heard of them … So I directly handed the toilet paper to Cheng Yu.
Jia Xu, on the other hand, handed a stack of paper, This is the face information of Yuan ICY you want.
You’re not slow either. I took it with a smile.
Yes, Wang Lie added, It’s even more unique for a master to be both a scholar and a martial artist. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to attach a piece of poetry and fu to this article?
Oh, brother Yanfang is really easy to discuss! Cheng Yu, who is reading the text, agrees without looking up.
I obviously feel the muscles on both sides of my face beating involuntarily. This is not good, is it? Mr. Yanfang’s article was written in one go. Wouldn’t it be a bad thing if I gild the lily here?
But the three old gentlemen here gave in, and even Jia Xu did not hesitate to unite the front.
I’ll think about it first. I can choose to compromise and bite my pen and think hard.
Or crusade against rebels … or recruit talents?
I don’t have a large library of poems against traitors, and most of them are under the banner of the emperor’s suppression of traitors. I don’t have the status now.
Recruit talents? I frowned and took a bite from the pen, picking up a large sum of heavily dipped ink.
How much is the life of wine as a song? For example, the morning dew is much more bitter.
Du Kang is the only one who should be worried and unforgettable.
The youth lingers in my heart, but you ponder over the present.
Yo, yo, Luming Literature. I have a guest, blowing sheng.
When the moon is like, you can worry about it and you can’t cut it off.
Talking about the banquet heart and nostalgia for the past.
Can the moon star fly south around the tree for three branches to follow?